New Zealand / Crime

Auckland teenager in court charged with threatening to kill non-Muslims

14:25 pm on 10 September 2021

By John Weekes of NZ Herald

The 19-year-old appeared by audiovisual link at North Shore District Court this afternoon, one week after a terrorist went on a stabbing frenzy in New Lynn.

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His name and identifying details are suppressed until at least next week. The NZ Herald opposed name suppression.

He was charged with threatening to kill members of the Auckland community between 13 July and 7 September.

He also faced two charges of supplying or distributing an objectionable publication on 5 August.

Defence counsel Peter Syddall argued for name suppression, saying the man or his family could become targets of vitriol or threats.

Judge Clare Bennett granted the man interim name suppression until Tuesday afternoon.

- This story was first published on the New Zealand Herald website.