A Green Party motion calling on Parliament to recognise Palestine as a state is likely to fail because most parties oppose it.
Green MP Golriz Ghahraman says the motion is about recognising "the humanity and dignity of Palestinians". Photo: RNZ / Samuel Rillstone
The Green Party today put forward the motion which calls for MPs to recognise the right of Palestine to self-determination and statehood, but it was struck down.
Green MP Golriz Ghahraman said it was about recognising "the humanity and dignity of Palestinians at a time when they are facing extreme violence and degradation, once again, at the hands of Israeli occupying forces".
But it did not have the support of National.
National's Foreign Affairs spokesperson Gerry Brownlee said the party had consistently been in favour of the two state system.
"Despite the failure of talks over many years to achieve this, we are firmly of the view that it is the best solution to the extraordinary violence that has for a long time and currently is afflicting both Israelis and Arabs on the two sides of the argument," Brownlee said.
There had been "administrative signs" that discussions had started to evolve, he said.
"What we need now is for those parties to desist from their current conflict and to get back to the table, working out how they can co-exist in what is a very, very small part of the world."
The ACT Party also opposed the motion.
A letter sent by the party's Deputy Leader Brooke Van Velden to Ghahraman said ACT supported a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Van Velden said the primary reason it was opposing the motion was because of a tweet sent by Green MP Ricardo Menendez March last week that said "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!"
"This phrase is used by Hamas, a terrorist organisation that calls for the elimination of Israel," van Velden said
Without Labour's support, the motion failed.
Te Paati Māori was the only other party to support the motion.
The Speaker said it was 'disorderly' of Ghahraman to try and move the motion, given she knew it was going to be voted down.