Ten-fold increase in number of young people kept in police

09:05 am on 16 December 2024


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Photo: 123RF

Young people are being apprehended overnight in police cells at 10-times the rate they were just two years ago.

Data from Oranga Tamariki shows in the year ended June 2022 42 children and teenagers were kept in a cell for more than one day, while at the end of June 2024 that number was 418.

Youth advocates and lawyers spoken to by Nine to Noon say it's due to a lack of available beds in youth justice facilities, and that police are more likely to prosecute youth offenders.

Despite Oranga Tamariki telling judges there is no room in youth justice facilities. some judges will still remand to the care of the government agency - because they are unwilling to send a young person back to the cells.

Nine to Noon has been told it's not uncommon for social workers to have to book a motel or hotel room for the teenager - and have to stand watch overnight. 

The lack of bed space is also being caused by an inability to move young people out of youth justice facilities due to a lack of suitable community placement providers.

Kathryn speaks to Tauranga lawyer Rachael Adams and Principal Youth Court judge Ida Malosi.