New Zealand

Maori relationship 'helps' university

06:31 am on 14 February 2014

A close relationship between Maori and Waikato University is being credited with helping to encourage better understanding between Pakeha and Maori in this country.

The university is launching its 50th anniversary year on Friday with the release of a history of the Hamilton-based tertiary institution.

Former Pro-Vice Chancellor of Waikato University Malcolm Carr says the university's close ties particularly with Waikato-Tainui has put it in a position of influence and as a leader in promoting Maori culture and history.

He says the university has been at the forefront of nudging New Zealand towards a better understanding of Maori protocol and language and how by engaging with it, peoples lives become richer for it.

Dr Carr says Waikato-Tainui, which owns the land the university stands on, has always been a great supporter.