
Rugby Tens on hold for 2019

11:48 am on 30 June 2018

The Brisbane Global Tens tournament has been postponed next year due to the Rugby World Cup.

2018 Global Rugby Tens champions the Blues Photo: © Copyright Andrew Cornaga / Photosport Ltd 2018

Tournament chief executive Rachael Carroll said it was "a real shame" and the postponement was "a very tough call".

"We've considered many scenarios for 2019 but, unfortunately, we haven't been able to come up with a viable option."

The potential impact of the world cup on player availability was a factor that could not be ignored, Ms Carroll said.

"While that is disappointing, we do understand and accept the requirement of the competing nations to place the world cup at the forefront of their planning."

Previous iterations of the tournament provided a high level of entertainment which would continue to be a part of it in the future.

"[It] showcased rugby at its entertaining best to a large global television audience.

"Spectators in the stadium, viewers at home, players, coaches and administrators all clearly loved the event."

There was a desire to "firmly establish" the event in the rugby calendar, she said.

The next step was to sit down with all partners - Brisbane City Council, the Queensland Government, Tourism and Events Queensland and Suncorp Stadium - to work toward that.