Christchurch Earthquake

7.4% rates rise proposed for Christchurch

15:01 pm on 4 April 2012

Christchurch City Council is proposing a rates rise of 7.4% to help cover the cost of rebuilding the city's earthquake-damaged infrastructure.

The proposal includes options for funding the rebuild of the AMI stadium and repairing several other key buildings, including the Art Gallery and Central Library.

As part of a draft annual plan released on Tuesday, the proposal states that 3.7% of the increase would cover standard services and projects, with the rest going towards earthquake-related costs.

This includes a 1.7% increase to fund the loss of revenue caused by the February 2011 earthquake, and a one-off 2% rise to cover the cost of rebuilding major community facilities.

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Improvements urged

Mayor Bob Parker says a rates increase would allow the council to improve damaged facilities, rather than just restore them to how they were before the quakes.

Mr Parker says repairing or rebuilding to a higher standard than before, takes account of the new environment that Christchurch finds itself in.