
Solomons claim that strike aimed at cutting Telekom share value

15:32 pm on 27 June 2008

The Solomons Islands opposition leader says recent industrial action against Telekom may have been a covert attempt to lower the value of the company's shares.

Manasseh Sogavare's comments follow a decision by Telekom employees to end their eight day strike.

The workers had been demanding the removal of Telekom's CEO, Martyn Robinson.

Mr Sogavare says he believes that Mr Robinson should be temporarily removed and an inquiry into the whole affair set up.

He says the strike may have been linked to the impending entry into the Solomons market by telecommunications provider Digicel, which is planning to buy into Cable & Wireless' minority share of Telekom.

"Maybe throw some allegations to the GM is just issues brought up to cover certain things. I would think also that some of the employees are also involved in some serious collusion with some people to benefit in something that is coming up. For example you could purposely undervalue the share of Telekom in order to facilitate facilitate a buy-in by Digicel."

Manasseh Sogavare