New Zealand / Health

Public divided over government's cannabis bill referendum

17:40 pm on 4 December 2019

Nelson city busker Mario Paraha's views are clear on whether or not cannabis should be legal.

Cannabis plant. Marijuana plant.

The Government has published a draft bill setting out the rules for the use, purchase, growth and sale of recreational cannabis. Photo: Unsplash / Shane Rounce

But he's not sure the government will be. "I myself personally, would probably say yes - but from the government's point of view they'll probably keep it on a stranglehold so they have control of the people.

"The people will say "yes", they'll say "no" because it's a matter of control, and they have no control if they give control. In the same instance there are guidelines behind cigarettes and alcohol, and legalisation of all that sort of stuff."

New Zealanders are set to decide whether or not to give the green light to legalising cannabis use next year.

The Government has published a draft bill setting out the rules for the use, purchase, growth and sale of recreational cannabis with the public to vote on the issue in a referendum at the next election.

Nelson city busker Mario Paraha.

Nelson city busker Mario Paraha. Photo: Tracy Neal

Nelson was one of the country's cannabis-growing hot-spots, and ranked third behind Northland and the North Island's east coast for the number of plants police seized last year.

Nelsonians spoken to today seemed fairly black and white on the subject, except on the amount that might become legal.

The law would allow people to grow up to two plants each - or four per household, and buy up to 14 grams of dried cannabis a day - that's the equivalent of between 21 and 42 joints.

Nelson lawyer Jock Sutherland said that would mean you're "virtually chain-smoking the stuff," while central city vape store manager Matt Robinson said there would be a lot of people wandering around high.

Nelson vape store manager Matt Robinson.

Nelson vape store manager Matt Robinson. Photo: Tracy Neal

Others said it was excessive, and questioned why it needed to be such a large minimum.

Retired insurance adviser Vern Mardon does not want to see cannabis legalised.

"I'm leaning against because I don't think cannabis, as a drug, is right for our community.

"I know a lot of people disagree but I still have very strong beliefs that it's... we don't need it."

Mr Mardon was worried about the harm it can cause to mental health.

Jock Sutherland was opposed to cannabis being legal, because of the harm it created in the workplace.

"If they're working with machinery or driving a car, or turning up to the office then their brain's not functioning the way it was designed to function."

And it was a no from Ruth Urban also.

She supported the use of medicinal cannabis, but has lived overseas in communities where it was legal, and said it drove up living costs.

"People move to a place where it's legal, from areas where it's not, so rentals go up.

"We've got a bad enough housing situation already and I think it will put even more pressure on low-income rentals here - I've seen it happen overseas."

Matt Robinson was not yet sure which way he would vote. He wanted a chance to research the details, and talk about it with his family.

"We've got young kids and we've also go an 18-year-old boy as well, so it will be interesting to see what his views are, because when I was 18 a wee while ago things were quite a bit different than in the current climate."

But it was a definite "yes" from Genea Instone.

"I don't believe it's as big a problem as it's made out to be. I think it will be controlled and there's no limit on alcohol consumption, so why should it be on cannabis consumption."

Cannabis formed one of two referenda attached to next year's general election.

National said the proposal did not yet have the level of detail the public deserved, including that it did not go into what it meant for drug-driving, for police training, what the tax rate would be, or the levels of THC - the main psychoactive compound in marijuana.