
Sport: Rival parties settle differences in PNG League dispute

11:18 am on 31 January 2012

Rugby League officials in Papua New Guinea insist rival parties have now settled their differences and will work together ahead of a proposed Annual General Meeting in March.

An AGM scheduled for Lae at the weekend was deffered after flight cancellations contributed to a smaller than required turnout.

Despite the delay, PNGRFL Officer Joe Tokam says rival factions from the Highlands group and the former interim administration took the opportunity to meet and confront the issues that have divided the sport for the last few years.

"By getting all these persons together - who are really the stakeholders - they sit down and they assess the situation for the last three years. Everyone was not very happy and they say let's forget about the court and lets put ourselves together and come as one team and lets move forward."

Joe Tokam says the proposed AGM on March 18th has the backing of the Rugby League International Federation.