New Zealand / Comment & Analysis

Samoan Language Week: Preserving culture and a sense of belonging

09:31 am on 5 June 2023
Faivaeselopepe Anric Sitanilei

Faivaeselopepe Anric Sitanilei. Photo: RNZ / Cole Eastham-Farrelly

By Faivaeselopepe Anric Sitanilei, Social Media Journalist

Analysis - The theme for this year's Samoan Language Week is, "Be proud of your language and grounded in your identity." But what can this mean?

In Gagana Samoa and in English, an exploration:

Samoan Language Week serves as a powerful reminder of the significance of language in shaping our identity and preserving our cultural heritage. This year's theme, "Be proud of your language and grounded in your identity," encapsulates the essence of fostering a sense of pride in the Samoan language and understanding the vital role it plays in shaping our individual and collective identities. In this analysis, we will explore the profound meaning behind this theme, shedding light on the importance of language as a vehicle for cultural preservation and the cultivation of a strong sense of belonging.

O le Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa, o se fa'amanatu mo i tatou i le tāua o le gagana Samoa, ile fa'avaeina o lo tatou fa'asinomaga ma le fa'asaoina o a tatou measina fa'aleaganuu. O le manatu autū o le vaiaso nei ua fa'aupuina e le Matāgaluega mo Tagata Pasefika e fa'apea, "Mitamita i lau gagana, maua'a i lou fa'asinomaga," o lo'o fa'amatala mai ai le aogā o le gagana e avea ma au'upega mo le fa'aatagiaina o a tatou fa'asinomaga. E fia aga'i se manatu po'o ni lagona a le au'ili'iliga nei, i le tāua o le avea o le gagana ma avefe'au, auā le fa'asaoina o a tatou measina fa'aleaganu'u, fa'apea le fa'amausalīina o le lotonuu a le tagata.

Language is the embodiment of culture, heritage, and the collective experiences of a community. For Samoan people, the Samoan language serves as a linguistic tapestry that weaves together the values, customs, and traditions passed down through generations. Being proud of one's language is synonymous with being proud of one's identity, as it reflects this rich tapestry of Samoan heritage and serves as a tangible link to our ancestors. By embracing the Samoan language, individuals can develop a deeper understanding of their roots, fostering a sense of belonging and connectedness to their cultural heritage.

O le gagana, o le aofa'iga po'o le tu'ufa'atasiga lea o lo tatou aganu'u, fa'asinomaga, tala fa'asolopito fa'apea a tatou tala tu'u. Mo i tatou tagata Samoa, e mafai ona fa'atusaina le gagana i se filiga, o lo'o filia ai a tatou tu ma aga, o a'oa'oga fa'apea a'oa'iga a tua'ā. O le mitamita o se tasi i lana gagana, o le mitamita foi lenā i le avea o ia ma tamafanau a lona atunu'u. I le taliaina ma le a'oa'oina o se tagata i le gagana Samoa, e mafai ona fa'atuputeleina ai lona malamalama'aga i lona fa'asinomaga, ma totō ai fatu o agafeso'ota'i i le va o le tasi ma le tasi.

Language also acts as a vessel for preserving cultural traditions, stories, and wisdom. By grounding ourselves in the Samoan language, we ensure the preservation of our cultural identity for future generations. Through the transmission of language, we pass on the nuances of Samoan customs, values, and belief systems. This linguistic preservation reinforces our cultural resilience, safeguarding against the erosion of traditions in an ever-changing world. When we take pride in our language, we actively contribute to the preservation and revitalisation of our culture, ensuring its continuity and relevance.

O le gagana foi e mafai ona avea ma se auala e fa'asaoina ai a tatou tu ma aga, o a tatou talatu'u fa'apea tomai mai aso anamuā. I le fa'avaeina o i tatou i la tatou gagana, e fa'amautinoaina ai le fa'asaoina o lo tatou aganu'u mo augātupulaga o i le lumana'i, e fa'afaigofieina ai foi le a'oa'oina o uiga loloto o o a tatou measina fa'aleaganu'u: o tu ma agaifanua, fa'apea a tatou talitonuga fa'a-letagata Samoa. A tatou mitamita i la tatou gagana, e mafai ona fai lea ma fa'amalosi'au mo le fa'saoina o lo tatou aganu'u ma fa'aauaua ai pea lona aogā ina ia ola ma lauolaola i le lumana'i.

Our language provides us with a unique platform for self-expression, enabling us to communicate our thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a way that is deeply rooted in our cultural context. When we are proud of our language, we empower ourselves to share our stories, celebrate our achievements, and address societal challenges from a place of cultural authenticity. Language gives voice to our experiences, amplifying our perspectives and enriching the broader cultural discourse. By embracing the Samoan language, we cultivate a sense of pride in our unique narrative, embracing the power of self-expression to shape the world around us positively.

O la tatou gagana tatou te maua ai se avanoa e fa'aalia ai o tatou lagona ma manatu i se auala o lo'o maua'a i lo tatou aganu'u. A tatou mitamita i la tatou gagana, o le fa'amalosi'au lea mo i tatou e fa'asoa ai o tatou talatu'u, fa'amanatuina ai foi o a tatou tulaga ausia, ma o se auala e mafai ai ona soālaupule lu'itau mai le tulaga fa'ale-aganu'u. O le gagana foi e mafai ona fa'aolaolaina ai o tatou tala fa'asolopito, fa'alauteleina ai la tatou malamalama'aga i mea tau Samoa, ma fa'atamāoaigaina ai talanoaga fa'aleaganu'u i atunu'u i fafo. I le taliaina o le gagana Samoa, tatou te fa'atupuina ai lo tatou lotonu'u, faatasi ai ma la tatou mitamita i le avea o i tatou ma tagata Samoa.

The theme, "Be proud of your language and grounded in your identity," encapsulates the essence of Samoan Language Week. It emphasises the importance of embracing the Samoan language as a means to strengthen our cultural identity, preserve our heritage, and build a sense of belonging. By actively engaging with our language, participating in cultural events, and promoting inclusivity, we contribute to a society that values and celebrates linguistic and cultural diversity. Let us proudly embrace the Samoan language and affirm our cultural identity, creating a legacy that future generations can continue to cherish.

O le autū mo le vaiaso nei, "Mitamita i lau gagana, maua'a i lou fa'asinomaga," o lo'o fa'amamafa ai le agaga o le Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa. O lo'o fa'amamafaina ai le tāua o le amana'iaina o le Gagana Samoa e fa'amalosia ai lo tatou lotonu'u ma o se auala e mafai ona fa'asao ai o tatou measina faaleaganuu. Ia faapena ona tatou mitamita i la tatou gagana, ma ia maua'a o tatou uiga fa'alia i lo tatou fa'asinomaga, ina ia faatumauina ai pea la tatou aganuu mo tupulaga o le lumana'i.