New Zealand / Regional

Maori appointments to new agency hailed

06:42 am on 31 August 2010

Waikato-Tainui executive chair Tukuroirangi Morgan says the inclusion of mana whenua representatives on the agencies owned by new Auckland Council, recognises the value they will bring to the table.

Mr Morgan has been appointed to a two-year term as a director of Auckland Council Property Limited.

Tainui Group Holdings director Rukumoana Schaafhausen will serve on the board of Regional Facilities Auckland.

Vivien Bridgwater from Ngati Whatua has been appointed to Auckland Tourism, Events Economic Development Ltd.

Ngati Whatua o Orakei heritage and resource manager Ngarimu Blair

has been appointed to the Auckland Waterfront Development Agency.

Mr Morgan describes the agencies as the most powerful organisations in Auckland.

This is about a recognition of the need for Maori participation at the highest level, he said.

He told Waatea News it's a huge responsibility.

Mr Blair says he's looking forward to bringing a Maori perspective to the strip where the city meets the harbour.

He says Ngati Whatua made it clear in its submission to the Queen's Wharf design project, that it was looking for a Maori and South Pacific presence on the waterfront.