
Negotiations on Emissions Trading Bill in final stages

16:36 pm on 21 August 2008

Negotiations between the Government and its support parties over the Emissions Trading legislation are progressing.

Labour needs to secure the support of both the Greens and New Zealand First to pass the legislation, which is central to the Government's climate change policy.

A Radio New Zealand political reporter says negotiations between the Government and the Greens and New Zealand First have picked up pace in recent days.

The Green Party says it's won some concessions from the Government, but it hasn't decided if it will support it.

Greens' co-leader, Jeanette Fitzsimons, says it has negotiated some changes that it's happy with, but in transport and agriculture, no progress has been made.

She says weighed against this, there will be substantial assistance for householders to make their homes warm and dry.

The bill has already had its first reading and been considered by a select committee. There are another three Parliamentary stages to go before it could become law. It is described as an incredibly long and complicated piece of legislation.

Hear more from Radio New Zealand's political reporter