Politics / Weather

Govt offers $700k to flood-struck businesses

16:00 pm on 18 April 2017

The government is making an extra $700,000 available for flood-affected businesses in Edgecumbe and the wider Bay of Plenty.

The morning after the town of Edgecumbe was flooded by a burst stopbank.  The displaced wall that was supposed to prevent the river Rangitaiki from flooding the town sits in the middle of College Road.  Friday 7 April 2017

Photo: RNZ/ Brad White

The Cabinet today agreed to the package, which would help about 100 local businesses.

Within the package, $200,000 would be available to help rural families with essential living costs and $250,000 would be earmarked for the Rural Support Trust's work to help farmers and growers assess crop damage.

The rest would go towards a disaster relief fund to support businesses.

Edgecumbe, which has about 1600 residents, was evacuated earlier this month when the Rangitāiki River burst its banks during heavy rainfall.

Most residents have since returned home but several hundred houses in the area remain seriously damaged.