Pacific / Tonga

Murderer deported from NZ kills again in Tonga

06:56 am on 11 November 2015

A convicted murderer, who had received a life sentence for murdering his fiancé in New Zealand in 2003, killed again in Tonga only a few months after his deportation to Tonga two years ago.

Matangi Tonga reports Patrick 'Unga was sentenced last week to more than 12 years in jail for manslaughter after the death of Sitanilei Sime in Nuku'alofa in April last year .

The final 18 months has been suspended subject to several conditions.

'Unga had been deported to Tonga four months before the killing after being sentenced in New Zealand to life imprisonment in 2003 for killing his fiance.

Justice Charles Cato said it was only after the trial, that he learned the prisoner had been convicted of murder in New Zealand where he had lived and worked as an overstayer for some time in his early 20s.

He suspended the final part of the sentence as 'Unga expressed remorse and has been co-operative with the police.