
PM expects trouble at Waitangi

10:44 am on 4 February 2014

Prime Minister John Key is expecting trouble at Waitangi when he visits Te Tii Marae for this year's Waitangi Day celebrations and says it's sad to see protesters spoiling the day.

Prime Minister John Key. Photo: RNZ

Mr Key arrives at Waitangi on Wednesday morning and says he expects protests to take place while he's there.

He is aware of a hikoi protesting against deep-sea drilling, but says mining would be good for Northland's economy.

Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei says Mr Key continues to promote the fallacy that people will be better off with deep-sea mining.

She says people have the right to protest against it.

And the organiser of an anti-drilling protest says Waitangi Day is the right day to stage his demonstration.

Reuben Taipari says he would like to present his mesage to the Prime Minister, but the main purpose is to get it out to the people as a whole.