New Zealand / Regional

West Coast clear-felling 'outrageous'

14:53 pm on 21 September 2014

Some West Coast residents say they are upset by a new case of native forest being clear-felled.

One of them, Gerry McSweeney, said a farmer just south of Haast, on the road to Jackson Bay, was clearing 12 hectares of rimu and kahikatea forest.

Other residents, who wished not to be named, said they were angry about the clearance.

Mr McSweeney, who owns the Lake Moeraki Wilderness Lodge, said it was not acceptable.

"This has got a very large World Heritage Area. To drive along a road, tourist road, to a magical place like Jackson Bay and on the way pass this ghastly logging operation, which although fully legal is morally outrageous... In a world where everyone decries rainforest logging, here we are, one of the local people, whacking down this beautiful forest."