Country / Farming

Government to help drought-stricken farmers

18:03 pm on 19 January 2018

The government is providing drought-stricken farmers with more financial support.

Dry Southland pasture

A dry pasture in Southland Photo: Southland Regional Council

Late last year it declared the drought in Taranaki, Manawatu-Whanganui and Wellington was a medium-scale adverse event, and expanded the classification today to also cover the Grey and Buller districts.

Farmers in all those areas will have greater flexibility with tax compliance and could apply for early refunds.

Acting Social Development Minister Peeni Henare said farmers can now access rural assistance payments to help meet essential living expenses.

Some farming families have been hit hard by the long and challenging dry period and are struggling to make ends meet, he said.

More than $200,000 had also been given to rural support trusts, Mr Henare said.