New Zealand / Regional

Mayor hopes supercity agency won't interfere with councils

08:05 am on 14 May 2009

Manukau City Mayor Len Brown, says he hopes the agency which will be set up to oversee the development of an Auckland super-city won't interfere too much with councils' operations.

The Government hopes the legislation to set up the Auckland Transition Agency will pass through all its remaining stages by the time the House rises at midnight on Thursday.

The agency will have the job of restructuring Auckland's eight councils into a single entity by the next local elections in October 2010. Existing councils will go out of existence on 1 November 2010.

Mr Brown says as long as councils stay within their recommended roles and spending, the agency should not interfere in their day-to-day business.

He says he wants to see a cross section of business, community and local government interests on the agency.

North Shore Mayor Andrew Williams, says the agency is undemocratic and unfair to residents.

He says its hand-picked members will have ultimate power over Auckland's councils.

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