New Zealand / Regional

Iwi to fight it out at Pa Wars

11:39 am on 1 January 2015

Up to 8000 members of Ngati Tuwharetoa will descend on Turangi for the tribe's annual marae sports competition, known as Pa Wars.

The event, officially called the Tuwharetoa Marae Sports Challenge, will run for two days from tomorrow and involve people from 23 of the tribe's marae.

Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board chief executive Topia Rameka said the competition was fierce but it was about tamariki [children] and kaumatua [older people] spending time together.

"All of Tuwharetoa come back to Turangi and celebrate in the Pa Wars events.

"It's primarily about whanaungatanga, essentially. We have all of our people scattered throughout the country, many over in places like Australia, and this is their opportunity in the year where they come back."

The event includes sports such as volleyball, touch rugby and squash, as well as Ki o Rahi.