
National MP Craig Foss to quit Parliament

13:29 pm on 14 December 2016

National Party MP Craig Foss will not seek re-election in 2017.

Tukituki MP Craig Foss. 19 August 2016.

Craig Foss. Photo: RNZ / Cole Eastham-Farrelly

Mr Foss is the MP for Tukituki and is the Minister of Veteran Affairs, Minister of Small Business, Minister of Statistics and Associate Minister of Immigration and Transport.

He was first elected to government in 2005.

Mr Foss is the second minister to announce he will not seek re-election in the past two days, with Local Government Minister Sam Lotu-Iiga announcing his departure yesterday.

He said recent events had led him to reflect on his role as a minister and member of Parliament.

"I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunities and challenges presented to me over 11 years in politics, however, I have come to the conclusion that now is the right time to stand down.

"The new leadership team of Bill English and Paula Bennett has my complete support and I wish them well."

Mr Foss will step down as Minister of Small Business, Statistics and Veteran's Affairs before the new Cabinet is sworn in next week.

He would stay on as the MP for Tukituki as long as necessary to avoid a by-election, he said.