
More refugees on Nauru granted asylum status

10:28 am on 18 July 2002

The United Nations High Commission for Refugees has given 46 asylum seekers detained on Nauru refugee status in a review of its original decision.

Marissa Bandharangshi says the 46 were part of a group of 83 people who appealed UNHCR's April decision denying them refugee status.

She says the 46 granted refugee status are mainly from Iraq and Pakistan, and were able to provide new evidence to support their appeal of the UNHCR's original decision.

"What happened is that someone has been able to bring new information to the case, which overturns the original decision - bringing new information about the condition in their country of origin, the sort of reasons why they fear to return proving that if they were to return, they would be in danger."

Marissa Bandharangshi from UNHCR.

Meanwhile the Australian government has turned down refugee applications from another seven of the Afghan asylum seekers it has been assessing on Nauru.

In the latest round Australian officials granted just one asylum seeker refugee status.