New Zealand

Crown wraps up case against man accused of physically, sexually abusing ex-girlfriend

18:21 pm on 20 October 2020

The Crown has wrapped up its case against a man accused of physically and sexually abusing his ex-girlfriend.

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File image. Photo: RNZ / Dan Cook

The man, in his 20s, has pleaded not guilty in the High Court at Auckland to eight charges including sexual violation and threatening to kill.

Yesterday, the court heard the complainant told police the man had been violent about 10 times during their six-month relationship.

However, under cross examination today by the man's lawyer Belinda Sellars QC, she told the court it was more like twice a week.

Sellars pressed her on this difference, asking why she was now recalling more frequent violent incidents than she initially told police.

"It could have been 10, it could have been 20, it happened so many times I lost count," the woman replied.

Justice Brewer, who is presiding over the judge-alone trial, interrupted the cross-examination to ask the woman to explain the difference again.

Judge: "The point really is why the difference between what you wrote in your statement back then and what you're saying now. I think that's what Ms Sellars is getting at."

Complainant: "I think as you uncover trauma through counselling things pop up, things you shoved so far down inside of you come up."

The man "utterly rejects" the accusations.

Sellars told the court while her client accepted it was a difficult relationship, he did not abuse her.

Sellars asked the woman why she stayed with the man if he owed her money, went out drinking without her and openly flirted with other women.

Sellars: "You were still wanting to stay together is that correct?"

Complainant: "Yes, because I wanted him to stop hurting me."

Sellars: "Hurting you emotionally?"

Complainant: "Emotionally, mentally, physically and sexually."

Sellars: "I accept there was emotional and mental [abuse] but I'm suggesting there wasn't physical or sexual [abuse]."

Complainant: "There was physical and sexual abuse."

This afternoon, the Crown called the woman's flatmate, who had lived with the pair when they were together, to give evidence.

He told the court he mostly kept to himself in the flat but did hear arguing and on one occasion loud noises coming from the garage.

"I did hear what would have probably sounded like pushing and shoving; noises that weren't just car or garage doors opening.

"It did sound like there was pushing and shoving and falling against things every now and then but it was these times where I was half asleep and groggy from just waking up."

Asked if he left his bedroom when he heard the noises he said, "No, it wouldn't have been something I should have got myself involved in".

The woman has described to the police, and now the court, a period of escalating violence during her relationship with the defendant.

Yesterday, she recounted a night she says the man almost killed her; chasing her around the house before holding her in a choke hold and forcing her to perform sexual acts on him.

She said she penned a letter to the man to leave a paper trail in case he killed her.

"I kept it to give to someone if I needed to or if he went through with his threats to kill me."

The Crown and defence will give their closing statements in the case tomorrow morning.