Pacific / Fiji

Fiji govt urged to include women in disaster risk reduction

17:01 pm on 10 January 2017

A women's rights advocate in Fiji is urging the government to make sure its proposed disaster policies are in line with the country's national gender policy.

The Fiji Red Cross distributing relief items in Nakodu Village, Koro Island.

The Fiji Red Cross distributing relief items in Nakodu Village, Koro Island. Photo: Itu Josaia/Fiji Red Cross Society

The executive director of femLINK Pacific, Sharon Bhagwan Rolls, says government is preparing to adopt and resource a draft national humanitarian policy and tsunami response plan this year.

Ms Bhagwan Rolls says it is important that any plan or strategy for disaster risk reduction or management is gender inclusive.

She says too often women and children are treated as victims and end up becoming an afterthought in government policy.

"A gender inclusive national disaster plan would mean everyone would be involved from the community level up. Women will be supported not just to be seen as the recipients of humanitarian assistance. But as they have clearly demonstrated, such as TC [tropical cyclone] Winston and the recent tropical depression and floods, that they are leaders," Sharon Bhagwan Rolls said.