
Commonwealth Press Union says resolution unlikely to move Fiji's interim govt

10:56 am on 16 May 2009

A committee representing major media organisations in New Zealand, has passed a resolution deploring the extension of media censorship in Fiji.

The chairman of the Commonwealth Press Union's media freedom committee, Tim Pankhurst says he hopes the resolution will make New Zealanders aware that real freedoms are being abused in Fiji.

But he acknowledges it is unlikely to prompt the interim government in Fiji to reconsider regulations, which prevent the media from broadcasting negative stories about the regime.

"We realise that New Zealand editors and news and current affairs directors calling on the Fiji regime to perform a particular act or behave in a certain way doesn't necessarily get that response but we felt it was important to criticise and condemn what they've done and to just stand with journalists in Fiji."

Tim Pankhurst says New Zealanders should think about the situation in Fiji when making travel and business decisions.