Papua New Guinea's government has lost a long battle to seize control of a PNG company registered in Singapore with assets worth around $US1.4 billion.
Singapore's Supreme Court ruled that the government had "failed entirely" in its claim over PNG's Sustainable Development Programme, or SDP.
SDP was established in 2001 when BHP Billiton divested its majority share in the lucrative Ok Tedi copper mine in Western Province to the programme.
The divestment followed legal action by Western Province landowners over extensive environmental damage caused by the mine's tailings disposal system.
In 2013, the government expropriated Ok Tedi Mining Ltd from the SDP, and sought control of the SDP's Singapore-based long-term fund for the PNG province.
PNG commentator Martyn Namorong spoke to Johnny Blades about the court ruling and the fund.
Ok Tedi mine, Papua New Guinea Photo: Dev Policy