New Zealand / Environment

Stoat on pest free island makes mystery disappearance

21:06 pm on 21 June 2020

A wily stoat that was on the loose on one of Auckland's pest-free islands appears to have either died or swum away.

A wily stoat is on the loose on one of Auckland's pest free islands - Motukorea/Browns Island.


It was first detected back in March and despite dozens of traps and cameras being set up, it's so far proven elusive.

Browns Island in the Hauraki Gulf. Photo: RNZ / Dan Cook

The stoat was first detected on Motukorea/Browns Island by a conservation dog in mid-March, just before the Covid-19 lockdown.

Teams also spotted footprints in the sand, found stoat poo and discovered where the stoat had been hiding its kills.

Dozens of traps and cameras were set up and hours have been spent scouring the island with dog teams.

Despite that, Auckland Council conservation rangers have not been able to find the pesky mustelid.

A wily stoat is on the loose on one of Auckland's pest free islands - Motukorea/Browns Island.


It was first detected back in March and despite dozens of traps and cameras being set up, it's so far proven elusive.

Photo: RNZ / Dan Cook

Senior ranger Miranda Bennett said the latest search on Friday did not find anything and they were pretty confident the stoat was no longer there.

It is possible the stoat ate one of the baits set out for it and died, or that it swam away.

"It swam to get to the island, so it's more than possible that it decided to leave again," she said.

A stoat was detected recently on nearby Motutapu Island and Bennett said it was possible it could be the same animal.

"It's a bit of a coincidence it turned up around the same time."

Bennett said monitoring and trapping for pests would continue on Motukorea/Browns Island to make sure it remained pest-free.