New Zealand / Covid 19

Post to and from China halted amid flight suspensions due to coronavirus

21:43 pm on 18 February 2020

New Zealand Post has temporarily suspended all mail to and from China due to the coronavirus outbreak.

NZ Post

File image Photo: RNZ / Richard Tindiller

The delay is due to NZ Post's airline partners suspending flights into China.

"Given the current suspension of many airline services into China, NZ Post is currently not accepting any mail or parcels for delivery into China," the company said in a statement on its website.

"This temporary service suspension will be reviewed regularly and once China is able to receive mail and parcels, we will recommence sending these items."

NZ Post said people waiting for parcels from China should expect 'significant' delays.

"Chinese Government requirements have resulted in the suspension of many services and many senders within China have suspended business in an attempt to control the spread of Covid-19. The suspension of many flights which carry mail and parcels out of China is also contributing to these delays."

The suspension took effect on 17 February and New Zealand Post said some of its clients had seen parcels with a "sterilised" label on them.

'It is our understanding that these may have been sterilised within China (either by the sender, or by China Post) to prevent the spread of the virus locally where packets and parcels are handled more frequently by local delivery and logistics team members.

"The World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed that Covid-19 does not survive for long on objects. It is therefore safe to receive mail and parcels from China, without risk of contracting the new coronavirus. Please see the WHO factsheet specifically addressing this issue, and confirming it is safe to receive mail and parcels from China."

New Zealand Post said the service suspension will be reviewed regularly and once China is able to receive mail and parcels, it will recommence sending items.