
NZ Budget to enhance Pasifika wellbeing

11:09 am on 27 May 2019

This week's Wellbeing Budget will be of significance to New Zealand's Pasifika community, the Minister for Pacific Peoples says.

The Labour spokesperson for Pacific Peoples Su'a William Sio.

Pacific Peoples Minister Aupito William Sio. Photo: RNZ/Daniela Maoate-Cox

Aupito William Sio said the government's Budget would enhance self-determination through the nurturing of Pacific cultures and languages.

Insights gained from the Lalaga Fou community engagement show how important culture and language are to the wellbeing of Pacific communities, Aupito said.

Recommendations from the Lalaga Fou report have been incorporated in the Budget, he said.

"The government, as part of its Wellbeing Budget, is looking to do things differently. It's looking to tackle the long-term challenges that our communities have been facing for many generations."

The Budget's release on Thursday coincides nicely with Le Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa or Samoa Language week in New Zealand, Aupito said.