Housing / Politics

National to evict unruly Kainga Ora tenants if elected, so where would they go?

17:13 pm on 11 September 2023


National's plans to evict unruly Kainga Ora tenants will just see more people living in cars and substandard lodges according to one policy analyst.

The party says there is deep community frustration at Kainga Ora's unwillingness to enforce the law and evict anti social tenants who make their neighbours lives a misery and if in government it will direct the agency to remove repeat offenders.

National says it will also tighten the eligibility criteria for emergency motels, so that only people genuinely in need can access a grant.

Its goal is to eradicate large scale use of motels as social housing in its first term if elected.

And it plans to build more social houses in partnership with community housing providers.

Child Poverty Action Group housing spokesperson Alan Johnson joins is now.