Pacific / Papua New Guinea

PNG betel nut chewers fined

15:22 pm on 2 August 2016

Police in Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea will be slapping people who chew betel nut in public with spot fines from this week.

Betel Nut, or Buai

Betel Nut, or Buai Photo: Banni Pulikottil CC BY 2.5

The deputy city manager, Honk Kiap, says they will be setting up random road blocks and if motorists are chewing betel nut they will be fined.

The Post Courier reports Mr Kiap saying that police officers will approach vehicles and check whether the people are chewing in these vehicles.

He said if they are they will be arrested and charged and the fines could reach $US155 dollars.

Three years ago Powes Parkop, the governor of the National Capital District, which incoporates Port Moresby, banned the selling of betel nut on the street, but a lucrative illicit trade has remained in place.

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Betel nut stains the teeth and can give the user a feeling of mild euphoria Photo: RNZ