
Regional security to the fore of Pacific summit

04:33 am on 8 August 2018

Security will be a key topic when the region's leaders meet in Nauru next month, the secretary general of the Pacific Islands Forum Dame Meg Taylor says.

Secretary General of the Forum Secretariat Dame Meg Taylor Photo: RNZI Autagavaia Tipi Autagavaia

Dame Meg made the comment while speaking to the Forum Officials Committee, which comes together before each summit to ensure policy priorities are sorted out.

In terms of security architecture, the Forum's planned 'Biketawa Plus' declaration would expand the region's ability to take collective action in the face of new and emerging security threats, she said.

Consultations over the past year had resulted in a draft declaration which focussed on the current security environment, and expectations about regional security cooperation, the secretary general said.

This week's committee meeting would refine the draft declaration, she said.