
Chinese ambassador confident Vanuatu committed to One China policy

17:18 pm on 26 November 2004

The Chinese Ambassador in Port Vila says he's satisfied that the Vanuatu government will stay committed to the One China policy.

Bao Shusheng says he is yet to receive an official response to his request for the Taiwanese flag to be brought down at the Meridian Hotel, and for Taipei officials to be sent home from Vanuatu.

Vanuatu's prime minister, Serge Vohor, will face a no-confidence vote next week following his campaign to set up diplomatic ties with Taiwan.

Mr Vohor acted without the approval of the Council of Ministers, who subsequently revoked the agreement with Taipei.

But The Prime Minister is now isolated with his continued pursuit of links with Taiwan.

Mr Shusheng says there is still a surplus of economic aid which the Chinese government can provide for Vanuatu...

"So there is still some money there which is waiting for us to co-operate, to spend on some projects. Of course at the moment it's affected because of this stubborn position by the Prime Minister. But I still believe that the government of Vanuatu, and the people of Vanuatu, will make the correct choice."

Meanwhile Mr Shusheng says he has lodged a protest with the government, demanding the Taiwanese flag be pulled down at the Meridian hotel and Taiwanese officials invited by the Prime Minister sent home.

But he says he is still awaiting a response.

I was told by the Foreign Minister they would take some actions. And it is true that the deputy Prime Minister ordered the lowering down of the flag, but unfortunately it was the Prime Minister himself who ordered the Meridian management to put up the flag. So I'm still waiting for the official response from them.