New Zealand

Christchurch terror attack accused appoints defence lawyers

23:34 pm on 4 April 2019

Two Auckland defence lawyers will represent Brenton Tarrant, who is facing 50 murder charges over the Christchurch terror attacks.

Brenton Tarrant is led into the dock in his first appearance for murder, following the deadly terror attacks on two Christchurch mosques.

Brenton Tarrant is led into the dock in his first appearance for murder, following the deadly terror attacks on two Christchurch mosques. Photo: Screenshot

The 28-year-old has his first hearing in the High Court tomorrow after first appearing in the Christchurch District Court on 16 March.

Police today confirmed the accused faces 50 murder and 39 attempted murder charges.

The accused had earlier told his duty solicitor he did not want further legal representation.

However, in a short statement, barrister Shane Tait said he would be acting on behalf of the accused, together with his colleague, Jonathan Hudson.

Mr Tait said the right to consult and instruct a lawyer, and the right to a fair and public hearing, were protected rights in New Zealand law.

He said he would make no further comment in relation to the case.

The accused will appear via audio-visual link for what the judge said will be a "relatively brief" hearing.

The judge said the accused will not be required to enter a plea and the primary purpose of the hearing was to establish the accused gunman's legal representation, if any, and other administrative matters.