
NZ minister defends China's climate change image

21:55 pm on 9 May 2010

The New Zealand Government is defending China, over criticism of its environmental record at last year's climate change conference in Copenhagen.

Climate change negotiations minister Tim Groser has met with the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao at an international conference in China, to put forward New Zealand's views on the issue.

Mr Groser says China wanted to set the record straight that it is serious about climate change.

He says there was a great deal of very negative criticism about China which completely overlooked what China is doing.

Mr Groser says China is trapped by the flawed procedures of Copenhagen like other countries.

Ministers from, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Brazil were also present at Mr Groser's meeting with the Chinese Premier.

Mr Groser says the meeting was part of China's strategy to promote its new think tank, The Centre for International Economic Exchanges.

Mr Groser says he briefed Chinese officials on the Global Research Alliance, a New Zealand-led initiative on agricultural emissions.

He says agriculture is one area where a small country like New Zealand, can have influence on the climate change decisions of bigger powers.