Transparency International Papua New Guinea (TI PNG) has told MPs that regulations are needed to guide a new Independent Commission Against Corruption. (ICAC)
Legislation to create the ICAC is to be tabled in parliament in August and voted on for the last time.
A Parliamentary Committee has been hearing submissions on the ICAC Bill before its third and final reading.
TI PNG doesn't recommend any major amendments, and said the Bill's wording ensures it will be a fully-empowered anti-corruption agency.
But it said the challenge will be ensuring regulations that will guide ICAC, implement the spirit of the legislation.
In his presentation to the Permanent Parliamentary Committee, TIPNG's Richard Kassman highlighted two areas where regulations need to be water-tight.
These include the definition of Corruption, Investigation, Arrest, Prosecution and the Proceeds of Crime.
As well, he said regulations must ensure the body is truly independent, where it relates to appointments to the commission, its funding and oversight, as well as high profile cases.