Te Ao Māori

Iwi wants more clout over fishing body

09:02 am on 9 February 2015

Ngati Kahungunu wants to assert greater influence over a pan-iwi-owned fisheries company.

More clout is being called for after the tribe revealed its shares in Aotearoa Fisheries were devalued by $6 million.

The cut was due to what Ngati Kahungunu described as 'spectacular non-performance' of the firm and its 50 percent-owned subsidiary, Sealord Group.

The iwi said in terms of share value, it was back to where it was five years ago.

It was seeking greater transparency and accountability from Aotearoa Fisheries and the body overseeing the Maori fishing quota, Te Ohu Kaimoana.

A review of both bodies was underway by an independent assessor, appointed by a Committee of Representatives from various iwi, with a report due this month.