
PNG betel nut smugglers caught

14:19 pm on 12 June 2014

Three smugglers have been caught trying to swim across Papua New Guinea's Goldie River, in an attempt to smuggle betel nut into the capital, Port Moresby.

The National Capital District last year brought in a ban on betel nut sales, but it is still legal outside the city's boundaries.

PNG Loop reports police reservists were stationed at a road block in front of the Goldie bridge when they were alerted by the screams of the three men who were being pushed downstream by strong currents.

The trio were rescued by police, who also confiscated a 20 kilogram bag of betel nut.

Senior Sergeant Anthony Guken, of Boroko police, says it is a daily occurrence for him and his men to arrest betel nut smugglers who risk their lives swimming across the river.