
Labour support lifts after Little's selection

10:34 am on 26 December 2014

A recent political poll shows a lift in support for Labour and National, though support for the Greens and New Zealand First has slipped.

Andrew Little

Andrew Little Photo: RNZ / Lauren Baker

The latest Herald Digipoll was done in the second and third weeks of December, after Andrew Little assumed the Labour leadership.

It showed support for Labour was up two percent to 28.9, compared with the 25.9 percent it polled just before election day.

National's support rose 2.2 percent to 50.4 percent.

New Zealand First has dropped 2.8 percent to 5.6 percent while the Greens were down 1.6 to 9.5 percent.

John Key remained the country's preferred Prime Minister with 65 percent support.

John Key in Wellington in November 2014.

John Key Photo: RNZ / Diego Opatowski

Mr Little rated only 13 percent, however almost half those polled rated his performance as good-to-excellent, while just over 14 percent said they did not vote Labour in the last election but would consider doing so now.