
Cyclones in Pacific reported to be no threat at the moment

11:41 am on 29 January 2003

Cyclone Beni which damaged crops and homes in parts of Solomon Islands is expected to be some 500 kilometres northwest of New Caledonia at about midday today (NZT).

Forecasters say winds close to the centre are averaging about 90 knots and the cyclone is travelling slowly south-east.

They say the cyclone may pose a threat to the northern islands of New Caledonia and gales are possible in Vanuatu.

In the longer term it may take a southerly course and move over New Caledonia.

The second cyclone Cilla, is travelling south-east at about ten knots. Its last reported position was several hundred kilometres south of Niue.

Forecasters say it is now no threat to any populated area.