Budget 2011

Scientist disappointed by lack of vision

23:12 pm on 20 May 2011

Leading scientist Sir Paul Callaghan says the lack of vision in the Budget is disappointing, particularly regarding reduced expenditure on science and innovation.

"This is the time to signal a vision," Sir Paul told Nine to Noon the morning after the Budget. "This is the time when you really get attention, when times are tough."

Sir Paul, professor of physical sciences at Victoria University and the current New Zealander of the Year, says the reduction in spending on science and innovation stares him in the face when he looks at the Budget.

"Just a small 2% reduction," he says, "$14 million down on an $800 million a year budget - it's not huge, but why not send a signal that this is important?"

It suggests to him, he says, that the Government regards research & development as a nice-to-have, not a must-have - yet international experience shows that "government expenditure in r&d is what really turns economies around".