Business / Auckland Region

Builder who underquoted work by $250,000 loses licence for 10 years

12:47 pm on 13 December 2018

A builder who underquoted work on an Auckland home by nearly $250,000 has had his building licence revoked in the strongest penalty handed down by the licensing board.

Christchurch construction.

Builder Misi Sau Evile has had his building licence revoked after underquoting working on a home by almost $250,000. Photo: RNZ / Alexander Robertson

Misi Sau Evile misquoted the price and how long the work would take on a complex two-storey home on a lifestyle block south of Auckland, the Building Practitioners Board says.

The property owners said the builder would leave the job for so long that nails rusted and the timber frame started turning black.

The board says the behaviour was a risk and lacked care.

It ruled Mr Evile will not be able to reapply for licensing for 10 years, the strongest penalty handed down by the board.

Building Practitioners Registrar Paul Hobbs said; "The quote was based on Mr Evile's standard pricing procedure, which the board considered negligent as it lacked the reasonably expected care in pricing, and illustrated a lack of knowledge and ability.

"The property owners provided evidence showing Mr Evile underquoted the job by almost $250,000 and only allocated six months to the build. Mr Evile also failed to provide a record of work, which is a legislative requirement under the Building Act."

Mr Hobbs said the board found it was likely Mr Evile simply agreed to the build for the amount of money the homeowners had available, rather than actual build costs.

"The property owners described the process as a 'start-stop' job, with Mr Evile leaving the job so long at points in the project that nails rusted and the timber framing begun turning black. They later found that during the build Mr Evile became bankrupt and was unable to complete the project.

"There is no doubt that this behaviour posed a genuine risk to the public, which is why Mr Evile has had his licence revoked, and will not be able to apply for licensing for 10 years."

He was also ordered to pay costs toward the inquiry.