
Boxing NZ still searching for missing trophies

07:20 am on 15 September 2022

Boxing New Zealand has had no luck in tracking down two of the most historic trophies in their sport and they're now offering a reward.

Troy Garton in action Photo: PHOTOSPORT

The two trophies went missing while on transit to the National Championships in Whanganui in April.

The John Jameson Belt is awarded to the most scientific senior boxer at each National Championships and the Ted Morgan Cup that remembers New Zealand's first Olympic Gold Medal winner.

Boxing New Zealand say they've now reached a point of frustration, anger, and disappointment following months of searching for answers.

David Nyika is a previous winner of the Jameson Belt Photo: NZ Amateur Boxing Forum

Chairman Keith Walker said.

"The trophies are the jewels of our sport, being irreplaceable for their history and of high monetary value. There were other trophies in the box that went "missing" being of a more recent vintage, which we also seek their return."

Six boxes of trophies left Dunedin, but only five turned up in Whangaui for the National Championships.

The companies involved in the transportation of the trophies have told Boxing New Zealand that the box has been lost without trace.

Police have told Boxing New Zealand that they can't get involved unless there is more evidence.

Walker says the two prestigious trophies have the same importance to them as the America's Cup, Bledisloe Cup and Melbourne Cup have to other sports.

"I believe that there is more than one person who knows where the trophies are. All our evidence suggests that they are in Dunedin (or have been shipped out by whoever unlawfully took them)".

"Boxing New Zealand is offering a reward of one thousand dollars to whoever can return our heirlooms to us", said Walker.

"The two major trophies have little value to whoever is holding them. There is no way that anyone could hold or display the contents of such a large box without other persons being a party to the unlawful taking."

Boxing New Zealand has extra pressure to want our trophies back, for presentation at the 2022 Boxing New Zealand National Championships, to be held in Whanganui 5th - 8th October 2022.

Boxing New Zealand is asking any member of the public, that has information that could assist in the return of the Jameson Belt and Ted Morgan Cup, to contact their local Police or send a confidential email to Boxing New Zealand at .