The Wireless

Ahoy ... From the mothership.

06:00 am on 10 May 2014

The Wireless has hand picked some bits and piece for you to sit back, relax and press play...

Global sounds

DJ Nick Dwyer of Around The World In 80 Tunes travels to the capital city Accra to take in the latest in Ghanan music - from the wild dance moves of Azonto to the nation’s biggest dancehall stars.

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Photo: RNZ

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Dealing with eating disorders

Eating disorder support services are under pressure as the number of people seeking help has spiked in the past year, and one services says a shortage of specialists is a problem that needs addressing. Wallace Chapman of Sunday Mornings talks to Nicki Wilson from the Eating Disorder Association of New Zealand, and Mary, a member of Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous.


Everyday sexism

UK-born Laura Bates is the founder of the Everyday Sexism project, a collection of over 10,000 women's daily experiences of gender inequality. She has just published a book called Everyday Sexism.



Happiness and meaningfulness

Kathryn Ryan of Nine to Noon talks to psychology professor Paul Jose on his research into happiness and meaningfulness in life.


Decriminalise it

Dr Tom Flewett, head of Addiction Services at Capital and Coast District Health Board says New Zealand should decriminalise and regulate cannabis.


Has NZ Music Month run its course?

New Zealand Music Month is well into it, but one critic says we should ditch the annual promotion, saying it reduces our national musical voice and is no longer relevant. Wallace Chapman of Sunday Mornings talks to music critic Simon Sweetman and the chief executive of the New Zealand Music Commission, Cath Andersen.


Internet virality expert Emerson Spartz

Entrepeneur Emerson Spartz is, at 26 years of age, a world expert in sending internet content viral. As CEO of Spartz Inc, he runs one of the fastest-growing digital media publishers with 160 million page views per month. The network boasts eighteen websites includes OMG Facts, GivesMeHope, and SmartphOWNED. At age 12, Emerson started the Harry Potter fansite MuggleNet, which attracted 50 million views a month and remains one of the world's top Potter websites. 


Possum hunt

This year Paparimu playgroup hosted its 14th annual possum hunt. The fundraising event draws people from the community and beyond who spend the weekend trapping and shooting possums and other pests. There are prizes for the most possums, the best possum coat, for the heaviest possum and for rabbits, hares and other wild things. The possums are plucked, the fur sold and the money is given to the playgroup.

Young hunters with their catches Photo: RNZ

Photo: RNZ


The Nazi officer's wife

Edith Hahn Beer just wanted to live. A Jewish woman in Vienna Austria, her family had been forced out of their home in 1939 after the unification of Austria and Nazi Germany. Her sisters were able to escape to Palestine, her mother was sent to Poland and died. Edith Hahn Beer's survival story is different. She lived not by enduring the brutality of the camps or locking herself away from the Germans. She survived by hiding in plain sight. She assumed the identity of a Christian friend and married a Nazi officer. Edith Hahn Beer died in 2009 at the age of 95. But in 1999 she told her story to writer Susan Dworkin, who wrote her story in a book titled 'The Nazi Officer's Wife: How One Jewish Woman Survived the Holocaust'.