Mike Russell thinks more people should talk with a plum in their mouth.
He and his wife Julie grow 13,000 plum trees near Hastings. They grow 11 varieties; older well- loved varieties like Omega and Black Doris and newer types including Flavour Blast which is about to hit the market for the first time.
About 80 percent of the Russell's plums go to supermarkets and other shops, two percent heads overseas and the rest goes to Watties for canning and for jams.
Mike says demand for plums is increasing.
"And that's because...we are presenting to the market ...better fruit, ready to eat, better varieties harvested at an opportune time and it's giving the end consumer a good experience."
Last season 2,688,000 kilogrammes of plums were produced in New Zealand
Mike says plums aren't in competition with peaches and nectarines, they're competing with chocolate bars and chips.
"Hey and with summerfruit, you can eat the wrapper."
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