
New Caledonia's RFO strike enters second month

16:29 pm on 25 April 2006

A strike at New Caledonia's public broadcaster, RFO, has entered its second month, with no end to the disagreement in sight.

Radio and television programmes are intermittently affected by the action of members of the mainly Kanak USTKE union.

The strike was set off when a technician, Rock Haocas, was sacked after a court found him guilty of assaulting a cameraman during a 100-day strike at the station in 2004.

The USTKE spokesperson, Pierre Chauvat, says while RFO does not want to negotiate, USTKE will continue the strike.

"We will continue to operate such as we are doing today until we find a solution for this Kanak engineer that has been thrown out of the station. He is one of the best engineers at RFO television, he is Kanak, and we don't want that boy to be left there with nothing."

Mr Chauvat says the matter will be raised with the French government in Paris.