
Close election results in Australian states

05:45 am on 21 March 2010

South Australia Premier Mike Rann appears to be on the verge of winning a third term, although he says Saturday's poll result is still too close to call.

The nation's longest-serving premier, New Zealand-born Mr Rann, has been strongly challenged by relatively new opposition leader Isobel Redmond.

Although there has been a swing of about 8% to the Liberals, Labor appears to have held enough seats to govern in its own right.

However, Ms Redmond is not conceding defeat.

Tasmania heading for hung parliament

Tasmania's majority Labor government is likely to be replaced by minority Liberal rule but the final election result from the poll on Saturday may not be known for weeks.

More than 80% of votes have been counted and an end to 12 years of majority Labor government is inevitable, the ABC reports.

The state is headed for a hung parliament, with the latest seat predictions saying 10 Labor, 10 Liberal and five to the Greens.

Liberal Party leader Will Hodgman says he should be premier if Labour and the Liberals hold 10 seats each. Premier David Bartlett has not yet conceded defeat.

Greens leader Nick McKim says a hung parliament is an opportunity for a new era of co-operative politics in Tasmania. He described it as a historic result for his party and the Greens' best ever election achievement in any Australian state or territory.