Pacific / Papua New Guinea

PNG universities still waiting for rehab money

19:47 pm on 19 September 2016

The Papua New Guinea Government is yet to handover the $US3.7 million dollars it had promised the University of PNG, to help its resumption of classes.

University of PNG

University of PNG Photo: supplied

The money was approved for rehabilitation and reconstruction of property damaged during student protests 3 months ago.

The Post Courier reported the university's acting chancellor Nicholas Mann said they were still waiting for the money.

The commitments were made by the Government for the three national universities to resume classes after students protested over Prime Minister Peter O'Neill's corruption allegations.

Dr Mann said another log of claims by the University's non-academic staff for a 7.5% wage increase was a matter to be dealt by the Department of Personnel Management.

National Academic Staff Association (NASA) president Emmanuel Gabu Gorea said members would strike if their claim was not accepted.

The association has written to the Higher Education Department, asking it to follow-up on the outstanding pay rise issue.