New Zealand / Regional

Four Kawerau suicides 'shared common themes'

07:39 am on 27 October 2012

A coroner has found that the suicides of four young people in Kawerau might not have been linked but shared common themes.

Jordan Gray, Kelly Karekare, Te Horoto Araroa and Alex Taku-Mahata died in the town between October 2010 and February 2011.

In his findings on the deaths coroner Wallace Bain says he cannot say for sure that they are related but all four young people had - among other things - undiagnosed mental health issues, early exposure to domestic violence and early use of alcohol and drugs.

Mr Bain says questions about the deaths shouldn't be focussed on Kawerau but rather on the quality of the environment the young people were being raised in.

He also says there needs to be an urgent review of how suicides are reported.

Kawerau mayor Malcolm Campbell says people in the town are now more aware and work together to support their young people.

Since the deaths, some of the family members have worked to raise awareness in the community and put support systems in place.

Maria Bradshaw from prevention and support group Casper has been in contact with the families and says talking openly about the issues is best way to prevent suicide.

Kawerau mayor Malcolm Campbell says people in the town are now more aware, and work together to support their young people.

He says health providers have been working closely with local schools, clinicians are based at the college and parents are being taught how to recognise signs that indicate a suicide risk.

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