Health / Crime

Grim findings in Auckland Prison visit - Chief Ombudsman

17:14 pm on 14 December 2020


A surprise visit has revealed a prison designed to help rehabilitate prisoners is instead keeping them locked down for up to 23 hours a day - with little access to education and rehab programmes.

A report by the Chief Ombudsman into Auckland Prison has found two breaches of the UN convention against torture, cruel and degrading treatment - with an inmate being pepper sprayed even after he followed a guard's orders.

Other failings at our only maximum security jail include: high levels of assault including - sexual attacks, resulting in a number of prisoners requesting voluntary segregation to avoid bullying, stand-overs and gang clashes, unacceptable ventilation and staff shortages resulting in inmates missing out on medical appointments, parole and reintergration appointments.

Chief Ombusman Judge Peter Boshier talks through the details with Lisa Owen.