New Zealand / Covid 19

Crew from Mattina ship have delta variant of Covid-19

21:38 pm on 22 July 2021

Results show nine of the Covid-19 positive crew members aboard the Mattina container ship in Bluff have the more infectious delta variant.

Group of viruses, computer illustration. (Photo by KATERYNA KON/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRA / KKO / Science Photo Library via AFP)

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Group of viruses, computer illustration. Photo: AFP

Genome sequencing shows the variant isn't linked to any previously confirmed Covid-19 cases in New Zealand, the Ministry of Health said.

There are fourteen infected people in total aboard the vessel, all of whom remain quarantining onboard.

The remaining three crew members, including the captain, who have tested negative have been taken away to quarantine separately.

The captain - who has to stay close by in case of an emergency - is being put up in DHB-provided accommodation.

The other two are being taken to a Christchurch-based quarantine facility.